Let's Learn on the Go! An exclusive member benefit for TEACH ME ADHD and ADHD Sleuths members is top secret access to a members only private podcast!

Do you want access to experts and guests with great information to share?Ā  I invite experts and providers who share my passionĀ helping families living with ADHD come to my virtual studio and talk to me.Ā 
Best part is you can learn on the go: while doing laundry, driving around town, or even when on a walk!
New weekly content from HQ will drop weekly in your member library each Friday. Episodes are curated to cover pediatric behavioral and mental health, parenting and family wellness issues.
Sometimes I go solo and share information to members; other times I invite a guest to join me in the studio.Ā 
The best part is you can go back into our MEMBERS Only Facebook group (ADHD Sleuths) and share "evidence" that you tuned in and talk with other members in our invitation-only community forum.Ā 
Welcome to HQ!
TEACH to Go Trailer
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